第4节 Hi3861 WiFi使用,热点连接,
本帖最后由 jf_39160458 于 2020-10-1 22:28 编辑
Hi3861 WiFi操作,热点连接 之前我们使用Hi3861 的时候,是使用 AT 指令连接到 WiFi 热点的。例如: 但是很多时候,我们需要实现开机后自动连接到某个热点,光靠AT 指令不行。 Hi3861 为我们提供了 WiFi 操作的相关 API ,方便我们编写代码,实现热点连接。
1.代码实现 先直接上代码和操作演示。 跟我们最早的hello world 代码一样,在 app 下新增业务wifi_demo ,其中hello_world.c 为业务代码, BUILD.gn 为编译脚本,具体规划目录结构如下: . └── applications └── sample └── wifi-iot └── app │── wifi_demo │ │── wifi_demo.c │ └── BUILD.gn └── BUILD.gn
Wifi_demo.c 代码如下:
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include “ohos_init.h“
- #include “cmsis_os2.h“
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include “hi_wifi_api.h“
- //#include “wifi_sta.h“
- #include “lwip/ip_addr.h“
- #include “lwip/netifapi.h“
- #define APP_INIT_VAP_NUM 2
- #define APP_INIT_USR_NUM 2
- static struct netif *g_lwip_netif = NULL;
- /* clear netif\“s ip, gateway and netmask */
- void hi_sta_reset_addr(struct netif *pst_lwip_netif)
- {
- ip4_addr_t st_gw;
- ip4_addr_t st_ipaddr;
- ip4_addr_t st_netmask;
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (pst_lwip_netif == NULL) {
- printf(“hisi_reset_addr::Null param of netdev\r\n“);
- return;
- }
- IP4_ADDR(&st_gw, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- IP4_ADDR(&st_ipaddr, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- IP4_ADDR(&st_netmask, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- netifapi_netif_set_addr(pst_lwip_netif, &st_ipaddr, &st_netmask, &st_gw);
- }
- void wifi_wpa_event_cb(const hi_wifi_event *hisi_event)
- {
- if (hisi_event == NULL)
- return;
- switch (hisi_event->event) {
- printf(“WiFi: Scan results available\n“);
- break;
- printf(“WiFi: Connected\n“);
- netifapi_dhcp_start(g_lwip_netif);
- break;
- printf(“WiFi: Disconnected\n“);
- netifapi_dhcp_stop(g_lwip_netif);
- hi_sta_reset_addr(g_lwip_netif);
- break;
- printf(“WiFi: wps is timeout\n“);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- int hi_wifi_start_connect(void)
- {
- int ret;
- errno_t rc;
- hi_wifi_assoc_request assoc_req = {0};
- /* copy SSID to assoc_req */
- //热点名称
- rc = memcpy_s(assoc_req.ssid, HI_WIFI_MAX_SSID_LEN + 1, “15919500“, 8); /* 9:ssid length */
- if (rc != EOK) {
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * OPEN mode
- * for WPA2-PSK mode:
- * set assoc_req.auth as HI_WIFI_SECURITY_WPA2PSK,
- * then memcpy(assoc_req.key, “12345678“, 8).
- */
- //热点加密方式
- assoc_req.auth = HI_WIFI_SECURITY_WPA2PSK;
- /* 热点密码 */
- memcpy(assoc_req.key, “11206582488“, 11);
- ret = hi_wifi_sta_connect(&assoc_req);
- if (ret != HISI_OK) {
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return 0;
- }
- int hi_wifi_start_sta(void)
- {
- int ret;
- char ifname[WIFI_IFNAME_MAX_SIZE + 1] = {0};
- int len = sizeof(ifname);
- const unsigned char wifi_vap_res_num = APP_INIT_VAP_NUM;
- const unsigned char wifi_user_res_num = APP_INIT_USR_NUM;
- unsigned int num = WIFI_SCAN_AP_LIMIT;
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- ret = hi_wifi_init(wifi_vap_res_num, wifi_user_res_num);
- if (ret != HISI_OK) {
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- //return -1;
- }
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- ret = hi_wifi_sta_start(ifname, &len);
- if (ret != HISI_OK) {
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- /* register call back function to receive wifi event, etc scan results event,
- * connected event, disconnected event.
- */
- ret = hi_wifi_register_event_callback(wifi_wpa_event_cb);
- if (ret != HISI_OK) {
- printf(“register wifi event callback faiLED\n“);
- }
- /* acquire netif for IP operation */
- g_lwip_netif = netifapi_netif_find(ifname);
- if (g_lwip_netif == NULL) {
- printf(“%s: get netif failed\n“, __FUNCTION__);
- return -1;
- }
- /* start scan, scan results event will be received soon */
- ret = hi_wifi_sta_scan();
- if (ret != HISI_OK) {
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- sleep(5); /* sleep 5s, waiting for scan result. */
- hi_wifi_ap_info *pst_results = malloc(sizeof(hi_wifi_ap_info) * WIFI_SCAN_AP_LIMIT);
- if (pst_results == NULL) {
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- ret = hi_wifi_sta_scan_results(pst_results, &num);
- if (ret != HISI_OK) {
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- free(pst_results);
- return -1;
- }
- for (unsigned int loop = 0; (loop < num) && (loop < WIFI_SCAN_AP_LIMIT); loop++) {
- printf(“SSID: %s\n“, pst_results[loop].ssid);
- }
- free(pst_results);
- /* if received scan results, select one SSID to connect */
- ret = hi_wifi_start_connect();
- if (ret != 0) {
- printf(“%s %d \r\n“, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void hi_wifi_stop_sta(void)
- {
- int ret;
- ret = hi_wifi_sta_stop();
- if (ret != HISI_OK) {
- printf(“failed to stop sta\n“);
- }
- ret = hi_wifi_deinit();
- if (ret != HISI_OK) {
- printf(“failed to deinit wifi\n“);
- }
- g_lwip_netif = NULL;
- }
- void WiFiExampleEntry(void)
- {
- hi_wifi_start_sta();
- }
- SYS_RUN(WiFiExampleEntry);
Wifi_demo 目录下的 BUILD.gn 文件内容如下:
- static_library(“wifi_demo“) {
- sources = [
- “wifi_demo.c“
- include_dirs = [
- “//utils/native/lite/include“,
- “//kernel/liteos_m/components/cmsis/2.0“,
- “//base/iot_hardware/inteRFaces/kits/wifiiot_lite“,
- “//vendor/hisi/hi3861/hi3861/third_party/lwip_sack/include“,
- “//foundation/communication/interfaces/kits/wifi_lite/wifiservice“,
- }
app 目录下的 BUILD.gn 文件内容修改如下:
- import(“//build/lite/config/component/lite_component.gni“)
- lite_component(“app“) {
- features = [
- “wifi_demo:wifi_demo“,
- }
编译烧录,查看串口数据: file:///C:\Users\lza\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml3524\wps2.jpg 可以看到有打印扫描到的热点名称: SSID: 15919500 SSID: Netcore_FD55A7 同时最后打印:WiFi: Connected 成功连接上热点。
2.wifi api接口说明 Hi3861 提供了非常多的 wifi 相关 API ,主要文件是 hi_wifi_api.h 我们这里只列举最重要的几个API
(1 ) 开启STA int hi_wifi_sta_start(char *ifname, int *len);
(2 )停止 STA int hi_wifi_sta_stop(void);
(1) 扫描附件的热点 int hi_wifi_sta_scan(void);
(4 ) 连接热点 int hi_wifi_sta_connect(hi_wifi_assoc_request *req); 其中hi_wifi_assoc_request *req 结构的定义如下: file:///C:\Users\lza\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml3524\wps3.jpg
这里需要注意的是,通常加密方式是:HI_WIFI_SECURITY_WPA2PSK 例如我家的热点的连接方式的代码实现如下: file:///C:\Users\lza\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml3524\wps4.jpg |