鸿蒙产品应用整体方案初试-HarmonyOS智能物联灯产品系列小试, 三种主要场景下的效果图,台灯、手电筒、感应灯。
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一、 创意 主要基于HiSpark Wi-Fi智能家居套件 中Hi3861芯片、 通用底板、炫彩灯板、环境监测板 等在HarmonyOS的HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool 中测试开发,得出的心得体验;结合一个实际的智能物联家居产品场景综合性的从创意、场景、底层功能初步尝试实现、整体效果样式设计、后续完善思路等的整套鸿蒙产品服务解决方案初试。 将传统开关的台灯、单片机感应台灯 、手电筒 或者小夜灯 等 ,和 人体感应、 温度、湿度、可燃气体监测融合成全新的 感应、温湿度监测 、 可燃气体预警 联网 的 智能型灯产品 系列 。 二、 场景 1. 安全智能灯放置在家庭客厅或者洗手间门口 等 ,当家人晚上起床时自动感应人体,灯从暗到亮 (考虑到人的暗适应过程) 。当感应人体远离后,灯自动关闭。 摆脱各种开关灯的烦恼。 2. 灯会监测 环境中 的温度、湿度、可燃气体情况,设置高低阈值,超过阈值时,灯会报警和触发手机里的应用提示 等 。 3. 搭载鸿蒙操作系统的手机、手表穿戴设备及里的应用服务,通过多种方式,可以近距离及远程控制灯的开关,获取室内的环境监测情况。比如晚上回家开门时就通过手机或者穿戴设备已经将室内灯打开。 4. 一些特殊环境下,比如矿井、洞内 探索、野外夜晚探险 等特殊产品形式使用。在实现照亮的同时,现场和远程都可以监测危险情况 等 。 5. 完全改变了传统灯的概念与使用方式;在不改变原有灯体系的基础上,家庭室内 等 可以先独立配置一个物联智能灯体验与感受物联智能灯时代的体贴、便捷 、智能、安全 保护等 。 物联智能灯先锋产品,从单品体验,带动全屋灯 及全系列灯具 物联智能改造升级。 三、 产品配置 1. 芯片开发板及主要功能模块 HISpark Wi-Fi 智能家居套件、通用底板、炫彩灯板、环境监测板。 2. 操作系统 HarmonyOS 3. 模组、其它配件与外设 等 ,暂时只是一种创意设想 ,具体参见达成效果图所需要的相关配件 。 四、HISpark Wi-Fi 智能家居套件 功能使用效果展现与HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool 中 代码实现 暂时只 是 通过HISpark Wi-Fi 智能家居套件通用底板、炫彩灯板、环境监测板简单实现来自动感应人体,灯从暗到亮;当感应人体远离后,灯自动关闭;灯会监 环境 的温度、湿度、可燃气体情况 来呈现整体产品概念;受制于各项条件,各项细节要求等,暂时还满足不了真实产品的实际需求。 感应人体灯亮 显示
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半小时前 上传 代码 #include<stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> #include “ohos_init.h“ #include “cmsis_os2.h“ #include “wifiiot_gpio.h“ #include “wifiiot_gpio_ex.h“ #include “wifiiot_pwm.h“ #include “wifiiot_adc.h“ #include “wifiiot_errno.h“ #define PWM_FREQ_DIVItiON 64000 #define ADC_RESOLUTION 4996 static void jltfcloudcom(void *arg) { (void)arg; // 由于炫彩灯板中红色 LED 灯的 GIPO 为 10 ,这里初始化控制 GPIO10 的控制方式为 PWM 模式 IoSetFunc(WIFI_IOT_IO_NAME_GPIO_10,WIFI_IOT_IO_FUNC_GPIO_10_PWM1_OUT); // 调用函数初始化 PWM 模式 PwmInit(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM1); while(1){ unsigned short data = 0; unsigned short duty = 0; // 使用 AdcRead 函数对 3 通道进行 ADC 信号读取,读取到的结果存储在 data 中 if(AdcRead(WIFI_IOT_ADC_CHANNEL_3,&data,WIFI_IOT_ADC_EQU_MODEL_4,WIFI_IOT_ADC_CUR_BAIS_DEFAULT,0)==WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS) { printf(“data:%d“,data); duty = PWM_FREQ_DIVITION *(unsigned int)data / ADC_RESOLUTION; //128 1820 //duty = PWM_FREQ_DIVITION * (1948-(unsigned int)data) / ADC_RESOLUTION; } //PWM 模式开启对红色 led 灯的控制 Pwmstart(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM1,duty,PWM_FREQ_DIVITION); usleep(10000); //PWM 模式关闭对红色 led 灯的控制 PwmStop(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM1); } } static void jltfcloudcn(void) { osThreadAttr_t attr; GpioInit(); attr.name=“jltfcloudcom“; attr.attr_bits=0U; attr.cb_mem=NULL; attr.cb_size=0U; attr.stack_mem=NULL; attr.stack_size=4096; attr.priority=osPriorityNormal; if(osThreadNew(jltfcloudcom,NULL,&attr) == NULL){ printf(“[jltfcloudcn] Failed to create jltfcloudcom!\n“); } } APP_FEATURE_INIT(jltfcloudcn); 灯亮从弱到强 显示
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代码 #include<stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> #include “ohos_init.h“ #include “cmsis_os2.h“ #include “wifiiot_gpio.h“ #include “wifiiot_gpio_ex.h“ #include “wifiiot_pwm.h“ #include “wifiiot_adc.h“ #include “wifiiot_errno.h“ #define LED_DELAY_TIME_US 300000 #define LED_BRIGHT WIFI_IOT_GPIO_VALUE1 #define LED_DARK WIFI_IOT_GPIO_VALUE0 #define RED_LED_PIN_NAME WIFI_IOT_IO_NAME_GPIO_10 #define RED_LED_PIN_FUNCTION WIFI_IOT_IO_FUNC_GPIO_10_GPIO #define GREEN_LED_PIN_NAME WIFI_IOT_IO_NAME_GPIO_11 #define GREEN_LED_PIN_FUNCTION WIFI_IOT_IO_FUNC_GPIO_11_GPIO #define BLUE_LED_PIN_NAME WIFI_IOT_IO_NAME_GPIO_12 #define BLUE_LED_PIN_FUNCTION WIFI_IOT_IO_FUNC_GPIO_12_GPIO // 设置灯光的初始值 #define NUM_BLINKS 1 #define PWM_FREQ_DIVITION 64000 static void jltfcloudcom(void *arg) { (void)arg; IoSetFunc(RED_LED_PIN_NAME,WIFI_IOT_IO_FUNC_GPIO_10_PWM1_OUT); IoSetFunc(GREEN_LED_PIN_NAME,WIFI_IOT_IO_FUNC_GPIO_11_PWM2_OUT); IoSetFunc(BLUE_LED_PIN_NAME,WIFI_IOT_IO_FUNC_GPIO_12_PWM3_OUT); PwmInit(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM1); PwmInit(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM2); PwmInit(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM3); static const WifiIotGpioIdx pins[] = {RED_LED_PIN_NAME,GREEN_LED_PIN_NAME,BLUE_LED_PIN_NAME}; for(int i = 1 ; i <= NUM_BLINKS ; i++){ for(int i = 1 ; i <= PWM_FREQ_DIVITION ; i *= 2){ PwmStart(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM1,i,PWM_FREQ_DIVITION); usleep(250000); } for(int i = 1 ; i <= PWM_FREQ_DIVITION ; i *= 2 ){ PwmStart(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM2,1,PWM_FREQ_DIVITION); // usleep(10); // PwmStop(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM2); } for(int i = 1 ; i <= PWM_FREQ_DIVITION ; i *= 2){ PwmStart(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM3,1,PWM_FREQ_DIVITION); // usleep(10); // PwmStop(WIFI_IOT_PWM_PORT_PWM3); } for(unsigned j = 0 ; j < sizeof(pins)/sizeof(pins[0]);j++){ GpioSetOutputVal(pins[j],LED_BRIGHT); usleep(LED_DELAY_TIME_US); GpioSetOutputVal(pins[j],LED_DARK); usleep(LED_DARK); } } } static void jltfcloudcn(void) { osThreadAttr_t attr; GpioInit(); attr.name=“jltfcloudcom“; attr.attr_bits=0U; attr.cb_mem=NULL; attr.cb_size=0U; attr.stack_mem=NULL; attr.stack_size=4096; attr.priority=osPriorityNormal; if(osThreadNew(jltfcloudcom,NULL,&attr) == NULL){ printf(“[jltfcloudcn] Failed to create jltfcloudcom!\n“); } } APP_FEATURE_INIT(jltfcloudcn); 温湿度监测 显示
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代码 主代码: /* * Copyright (c) 2020, HiHope Community. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS“ * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include “aht20.h“ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include “wifiiot_i2c.h“ #include “wifiiot_errno.h“ #define AHT20_I2C_IDX WIFI_IOT_I2C_IDX_0 #define AHT20_STARTUP_TIME 20*1000 // 上电启动时间 #define AHT20_CALIBRATION_TIME 40*1000 // 初始化(校准)时间 #define AHT20_MEASURE_TIME 75*1000 // 测量时间 #define AHT20_DEVICE_ADDR 0x38 #define AHT20_READ_ADDR ((0x38<<1)|0x1) #define AHT20_WRITE_ADDR ((0x38<<1)|0x0) #define AHT20_CMD_CALIBRATION 0xBE // 初始化(校准)命令 #define AHT20_CMD_CALIBRATION_ARG0 0x08 #define AHT20_CMD_CALIBRATION_ARG1 0x00 /** * 传感器在采集时需要时间 , 主机发出测量指令( 0xAC )后,延时 75 毫秒以上再读取转换后的数据并判断返回的状态位是否正常。 * 若状态比特位 [Bit7] 为 0 代表数据可正常读取,为 1 时传感器为忙状态,主机需要等待数据处理完成。 **/ #define AHT20_CMD_trigger 0xAC // 触发测量命令 #define AHT20_CMD_TRIGGER_ARG0 0x33 #define AHT20_CMD_TRIGGER_ARG1 0x00 // 用于在无需关闭和再次打开电源的情况下,重新启动传感器系统,软复位所需时间不超过 20 毫秒 #define AHT20_CMD_RESET 0xBA // 软复位命令 #define AHT20_CMD_STATUS 0x71 // 获取状态命令 /** * STATUS 命令回复: * 1. 初始化后触发测量之前, STATUS 只回复 1B 状态值; * 2. 触发测量之后, STATUS 回复 6B : 1B 状态值 + 2B 湿度 + 4b 湿度 + 4b 温度 + 2B 温度 * RH = Srh / 2^20 * 100% * T = St / 2^20 * 200 - 50 **/ #define AHT20_STATUS_BUSY_SHIFT 7 // bit[7] Busy indication #define AHT20_STATUS_BUSY_MASK (0x1<<AHT20_STATUS_BUSY_SHIFT) #define AHT20_STATUS_BUSY(status) ((status & AHT20_STATUS_BUSY_MASK) >> AHT20_STATUS_BUSY_SHIFT) #define AHT20_STATUS_MODE_SHIFT 5 // bit[6:5] Mode Status #define AHT20_STATUS_MODE_MASK (0x3<<AHT20_STATUS_MODE_SHIFT) #define AHT20_STATUS_MODE(status) ((status & AHT20_STATUS_MODE_MASK) >> AHT20_STATUS_MODE_SHIFT) // bit[4] Reserved #define AHT20_STATUS_CALI_SHIFT 3 // bit[3] CAL Enable #define AHT20_STATUS_CALI_MASK (0x1<<AHT20_STATUS_CALI_SHIFT) #define AHT20_STATUS_CALI(status) ((status & AHT20_STATUS_CALI_MASK) >> AHT20_STATUS_CALI_SHIFT) // bit[2:0] Reserved #define AHT20_STATUS_RESPONSE_MAX 6 #define AHT20_RESOLUTION (1<<20) // 2^20 #define AHT20_MAX_RETRY 10 static uint32_t AHT20_Read(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t buffLen) { WifiIotI2cData data = { 0 }; data.receiveBuf = buffer; data.receiveLen = buffLen; uint32_t retval = I2cRead(AHT20_I2C_IDX, AHT20_READ_ADDR, &data); if (retval != WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS) { printf(“I2cRead() failed, %0X!\n“, retval); return retval; } return WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS; } static uint32_t AHT20_Write(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t buffLen) { WifiIotI2cData data = { 0 }; data.sendBuf = buffer; data.sendLen = buffLen; uint32_t retval = I2cWrite(AHT20_I2C_IDX, AHT20_WRITE_ADDR, &data); if (retval != WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS) { printf(“I2cWrite(%02X) failed, %0X!\n“, buffer[0], retval); return retval; } return WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS; } // 发送获取状态命令 static uint32_t AHT20_StatusCommand(void) { uint8_t statusCmd[] = { AHT20_CMD_STATUS }; return AHT20_Write(statusCmd, sizeof(statusCmd)); } // 发送软复位命令 static uint32_t AHT20_ResetCommand(void) { uint8_t resetCmd[] = {AHT20_CMD_RESET}; return AHT20_Write(resetCmd, sizeof(resetCmd)); } // 发送初始化校准命令 static uint32_t AHT20_CalibrateCommand(void) { uint8_t clibrateCmd[] = {AHT20_CMD_CALIBRATION, AHT20_CMD_CALIBRATION_ARG0, AHT20_CMD_CALIBRATION_ARG1}; return AHT20_Write(clibrateCmd, sizeof(clibrateCmd)); } // 读取温湿度值之前, 首先要看状态字的校准使能位 Bit[3] 是否为 1( 通过发送 0x71 可以获取一个字节的状态字 ) , // 如果不为 1 ,要发送 0xBE 命令 ( 初始化 ) ,此命令参数有两个字节, 第一个字节为 0x08 ,第二个字节为 0x00 。 uint32_t jltfcloudcom_Calibrate(void) { uint32_t retval = 0; uint8_t buffer[AHT20_STATUS_RESPONSE_MAX]; memset(&buffer, 0x0, sizeof(buffer)); retval = AHT20_StatusCommand(); if (retval != WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS) { return retval; } retval = AHT20_Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (retval != WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS) { return retval; } if (AHT20_STATUS_BUSY(buffer[0]) || !AHT20_STATUS_CALI(buffer[0])) { retval = AHT20_ResetCommand(); if (retval != WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS) { return retval; } usleep(AHT20_STARTUP_TIME); retval = AHT20_CalibrateCommand(); usleep(AHT20_CALIBRATION_TIME); return retval; } return WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS; } // 发送 触发测量 命令,开始测量 uint32_t jltfcloudcom_StartMeasure(void) { uint8_t triggerCmd[] = {AHT20_CMD_TRIGGER, AHT20_CMD_TRIGGER_ARG0, AHT20_CMD_TRIGGER_ARG1}; return AHT20_Write(triggerCmd, sizeof(triggerCmd)); } // 接收测量结果,拼接转换为标准值 uint32_t jltfcloudcn_GetMeasureResult(float* oC, float* humidity) { uint32_t retval = 0, i = 0; if (oC == NULL || humidity == NULL) { return WIFI_IOT_FAILURE; } uint8_t buffer[AHT20_STATUS_RESPONSE_MAX]; memset(&buffer, 0x0, sizeof(buffer)); retval = AHT20_Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // recv status command result if (retval != WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS) { return retval; } for (i = 0; AHT20_STATUS_BUSY(buffer[0]) && i < AHT20_MAX_RETRY; i++) { // printf(“AHT20 device busy, retry %d/%d!\r\n“, i, AHT20_MAX_RETRY); usleep(AHT20_MEASURE_TIME); retval = AHT20_Read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // recv status command result if (retval != WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS) { return retval; } } if (i >= AHT20_MAX_RETRY) { printf(“AHT20 device always busy!\r\n“); return WIFI_IOT_FAILURE; } uint32_t humiRaw = buffer[1]; humiRaw = (humiRaw << 8) | buffer[2]; humiRaw = (humiRaw << 4) | ((buffer[3] & 0xF0) >> 4); *humidity = humiRaw / (float)AHT20_RESOLUTION * 100; uint32_t tempRaw = buffer[3] & 0x0F; tempRaw = (tempRaw << 8) | buffer[4]; tempRaw = (tempRaw << 8) | buffer[5]; *oC = tempRaw / (float)AHT20_RESOLUTION * 200 - 50; // printf(“humidity = %05X, %f, oC= %05X, %f\r\n“, humiRaw, *humidity, tempRaw, *oC); return WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS; } 引用文件: #ifndef AHT20_H #define AHT20_H #include <stdint.h> uint32_t jltfcloudcom_Calibrate(void); uint32_t jltfcloudcom_StartMeasure(void); uint32_t jltfcloudcn_GetMeasureResult(float* oC, float* humidity); #endif // AHT20_H 代码执行入口: /* * Copyright (c) 2020, HiHope Community. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS“ * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include “aht20.h“ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include “ohos_init.h“ #include “cmsis_os2.h“ #include “wifiiot_gpio.h“ #include “wifiiot_gpio_ex.h“ #include “wifiiot_i2c.h“ void Aht20TestTask(void* arg) { (void) arg; uint32_t retval = 0; IoSetFunc(WIFI_IOT_IO_NAME_GPIO_13, WIFI_IOT_IO_FUNC_GPIO_13_I2C0_SDA); IoSetFunc(WIFI_IOT_IO_NAME_GPIO_14, WIFI_IOT_IO_FUNC_GPIO_14_I2C0_SCL); I2cInit(WIFI_IOT_I2C_IDX_0, 400*1000); retval = jltfcloudcom_Calibrate(); printf(“jltfcloudcom_Calibrate: %d\r\n“, retval); while (1) { float oC = 0.0, humidity = 0.0; retval = jltfcloudcom_StartMeasure(); printf(“jltfcloudcom_StartMeasure: %d\r\n“, retval); retval = jltfcloudcn_GetMeasureResult(&oC, &humidity); printf(“jltfcloudcn_GetMeasureResult: %d, oC = %.2f, humidity = %.2f\r\n“, retval, oC, humidity); sleep(1); } } void Aht20Test(void) { osThreadAttr_t attr; attr.name = “Aht20Task“; attr.attr_bits = 0U; attr.cb_mem = NULL; attr.cb_size = 0U; attr.stack_mem = NULL; attr.stack_size = 4096; attr.priority = osPriorityNormal; if (osThreadNew(Aht20TestTask, NULL, &attr) == NULL) { printf(“[Aht20Test] Failed to create Aht20TestTask!\n“); } } APP_FEATURE_INIT(Aht20Test); 可然气体监测 显示
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代码 /* * Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License“); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS“ BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include “ohos_init.h“ #include “cmsis_os2.h“ #include “wifiiot_gpio.h“ #include “wifiiot_gpio_ex.h“ #include “wifiiot_errno.h“ #include <hi_types_base.h> #include <hi_io.h> #include <hi_early_debug.h> #include <hi_gpio.h> #include <hi_task.h> #include <hi_types_base.h> #include <hi_adc.h> #include <hi_pwm.h> #include <hi_stdlib.h> #include <hi_early_debug.h> #include <hi_timer.h> #define ADC_TEST_LENGTH 64 #define VLT_MIN 100 hi_u16 g_adc_buf[ADC_TEST_LENGTH] = { 0 }; float gas_detection_value = 0.0; float jltfcloudcom(hi_u32 data_len) { hi_u32 i; float vlt_max = 0; float vlt_min = VLT_MIN; float vlt_sum = 0; float vlt_val = 0; hi_u16 vlt; for (i = 0; i < data_len; i++) { vlt = g_adc_buf
float voltage = hi_adc_convert_to_voltage(vlt);
vlt_max = (voltage > vlt_max) ? voltage : vlt_max;//三目运算 判断电压的大小
vlt_min = (voltage < vlt_min) ? voltage : vlt_min;
vlt_sum += voltage;
//printf(“vlt_min:%.3f, vlt_max:%.3f \n“, vlt_min, vlt_max);
vlt_val = (vlt_sum - vlt_min - vlt_max) / (data_len - 2.0);
return vlt_val;
void jltfcloudcn(void)
hi_u32 ret, i;
hi_u16 data; /* 10 */
memset_s(g_adc_buf, sizeof(g_adc_buf), 0x0, sizeof(g_adc_buf));
for (i = 0; i < ADC_TEST_LENGTH; i++) {
ret = hi_adc_read((hi_adc_channel_index)HI_ADC_CHANNEL_5, &data, HI_ADC_EQU_MODEL_1, HI_ADC_CUR_BAIS_DEFAULT, 0);
if (ret != HI_ERR_SUCCESS) {
printf(“ADC Read Fail\n“);
g_adc_buf = data;
gas_detection_value = jltfcloudcom(ADC_TEST_LENGTH);
static void MQ2_demo(const char* arg)
printf(“Enter the MQ2_demo ... \n“);
while (1) {
if(gas_detection_value > 1.5)
hi_pwm_start(HI_PWM_PORT_PWM0, 30000 / 2, 30000);
usleep(2 * 1000 * 1000);
printf(“gas_detection_value = %f \r\n“ , gas_detection_value);
usleep(100 * 1000);
static void hmtimescn(void)
unsigned int ret = 0;
hi_pwm_set_clock(PWM_CLK_XTAL); //设置时钟源为晶体时钟;
if (ret != WIFI_IOT_SUCCESS) {
printf(“===== ERROR ======gpio -> GpioSetDir ret:%d \r\n“, ret);
hi_io_set_func(HI_IO_NAME_GPIO_11, HI_IO_FUNC_GPIO_11_GPIO); /* GPIO11 ADC5 */
ret = hi_gpio_set_dir(HI_GPIO_IDX_11, HI_GPIO_DIR_IN);
if (ret != HI_ERR_SUCCESS) {
printf(“===== ERROR ======gpio -> hi_gpio_set_dir1 ret:%d\r\n“, ret);
osThreadAttr_t attr = {0};
attr.name = “MQ2_demo“;
attr.attr_bits = 0U;
attr.cb_mem = NULL;
attr.cb_size = 0U;
attr.stack_mem = NULL;
attr.stack_size = 1024;
attr.priority = osPriorityNormal;
if(osThreadNew((osThreadFunc_t)MQ2_demo,NULL,&attr) == NULL)
printf(“Failed to create MQ2_demo ! \r\n“);