发表于 2022-7-15 15:10:41
**** RESUMING freq.cir ****
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit uPC4560 used by X_U3A is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit uPC4560 used by X_U3B is undefined
ERROR(ORPSIM-15108): Subcircuit uPC4560 used by X_U4A is undefined
* Sample standard device library
* Copyright Cadence Design Systems, Inc. 2000 All Rights Reserved.
* This is a reduced version of PSpice A/D's standard parts libraries. Some
* components from several types of component libraries have been included
* here. You are welcome to make as many copies of it as you find convenient.
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* $Author: HIRASUNA $
* $Date: 11 May 2000 09:36:36 $
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The model library included with the production version of PSpice A/D
* includes over 14,000 analog devices, and over 1,800 digital devices.
* It takes time for PSpice to scan a library file. To speed this up, PSpice
* creates an index file, called <filename>.IND. The index file is re-created
* whenever PSpice senses that the library file has changed.
.lib "breakout.lib" ; generic devices for schematic capture
* "regular" device libraries
.lib "eval.lib" ; reduced version of PSpice A/D's standard
; parts libraries. Some components from
; each of several types of component
; libraries have been included here.
.lib "evalp.lib" ; sample version of PSpice parameterized
; parts libraries.
.lib "templates.lib" ; dummy template library
.lib "evalAA.lib" ; Adv Analysis Parts.
* end of library file |