在Candence 16.6中Sigxplorer进行差分信号仿真提示:W- Automatically switching buffer delays from "on-the-fly" to "From Library" for diff
pair simulations. This is due to limitations of the Ibis standard for defining a
diff pair buffer delay test fixture. The suggested method for generating buffer
delays for a diff pair is to create a 2-pin ESpice device and use the assignment
mechanism in the "Differential Buffer Delays" form.
(Access in the IBIS Device Model Editor -> IBIS Device Pin Data -> Buffer Delays.)
该报错会导致仿真参数直接将从"on-the-fly" 变成"From Library"
按照提示,我在对应差分信号的模型中找到了对应的ESPICE MODEl,那么这个2-pinESPICE MODEL如何创建,从哪里选择?
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