Error: Port "clk" of type NOC of instance "inst1" is missing source signal2 w* _: B1 Z* A: P& ?
Error: Port "address[9..0]" of type sin of instance "inst7" is missing source signal
0 ~ T; \& Q1 `4 m' _Error: Port "clock" of type mult10x8 of instance "inst8" is missing source signal! \: H G! m- a+ ]/ }" P; |
Error: Port "clock" of type mult10x8 of instance "inst14" is missing source signal$ T7 ~) I- J1 ~6 \% {
Error: Width mismatch in port "dataa[9..0]" of instance "inst" and type ADDF8 -- source is ""result[19..0]" (ID mult10x8:inst8)") ]) m# B* S$ A& g" g$ u
Error: Width mismatch in port "datab[9..0]" of instance "inst" and type ADDF8 -- source is "" |